Follow these steps to integrate AppLovin mediation with your RTB-Stack SDK project.
First, ensure that you have added the necessary repositories to your project-level build.gradle
repositories {
In your app-level build.gradle
add the AppLovin SDK and the RTB-Stack mediation SDK dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk'
implementation 'com.rtb-stack.sdk.mediation.applovin'
Before loading ads through mediation, make sure to initialize the AppLovin SDK in your app. This ensures the SDK is ready for ad requests:
AppLovinSdk.initializeSdk(this, new AppLovinSdk.SdkInitializationListener() {
public void onSdkInitialized(AppLovinSdkConfiguration config) {
After integrating the SDK, configure AppLovin as a mediation partner in the RTB-Stack platform.