The owner of the Trading Desk also can work with raw user data posted by them through their account. The Raw Data API is a mechanism for collecting the necessary data, accumulating, and archiving it, periodically transferring it to the customer’s clients.

Access to the Raw Data API is provided to the Trading Desk administrator from the Admixer side and is possible after receiving a special key (token) for authorization.

The data transferred using the Raw Data API includes a user ID in the Admixer system for user segments uploading back to the Trading Desk from the Trading Desk owner’s Private DMP.

The data for all audiences of this Trading Desk is provided in the .csv format. Uploading files from the Admixer DMP system occurs once a day for the previous day.

Technical Specifics

As part of working with the Raw Data API, the Trading Desk owner can upload their own lists of users, the identifier of which is the User ID, Admixer UID. This identifier is then transmitted to the owner of the Trading Desk as a part of the raw data of their advertising activity and will be used as an identifier for building segments on his side.

To collect and transfer raw data, the owner of the Trading Desk creates the necessary audience groups in their Custom DMP. There are two general types of such groups.

  • for the advertising activity carried out within the Trading Desk. Such a collection can be carried out for various advertising events, like view, confirmed view, click, video quartiles, etc. If it is necessary to collect audience groups for several different events, the corresponding advertising groups are created for each event.
  • for collecting users into audience groups in other advertising systems and on advertisers’ websites using a code. In this case, the collection is carried out only for impressions (code calls), and the information about the user who made the call is transmitted.

Data Transfer

The Trading Desk owner can retrieve the following information about the audience using the Raw Data API

  • Visitor ID, or the Admixer UID,
  • Audience Group ID, an ID of the audience group of the user,
  • Event type (view is set by default for all groups). For audience groups collected in the Trading Desk advertising profiles, parameters can be specified (confirmed view, click, video Qs 1-4),
  • Data / Time in the UTC format,
  • IP address,
  • Geolocation defined by IP,
  • Device Type, e.g. desktop, smartphone, tablet, TV,
  • Platform, e.g. OS or Browser,
  • Device Manufacturer / Brand,
  • Full URL, a complete URL or APP Bundle of the ad display,
  • Additional parameters that can be retrieved using the RTB protocol when displaying ads on external resources (user geolocation, site, or application category).

The data is recorded for all audience groups created by the Trading Desk owner and currently active in accordance with the restrictions set in them or profiles. The data is collected throughout the day, archived, and transferred to the Trading Desk owner’s server via an API request.

The parameters of data transfer and authentication, as well as the upload time is agreed upon individually with the technology provider.

Updated on September 05, 2024