Audience API allows to pass audiences from third-party data management platforms (CRM/CDP/CMS/Analytics Tools, etc.) to Admixer products, create segments, segment groups, and audience groups in them, add users to segments and audience groups.


To use Audience API, you need to get an access token first. Using Postman or similar software, send a POST-request in a URL In the request body, use the following parameters:

Parameter Value
username Your login
password Password to your account
client_id UI
grant_type password
Expand the POST request body example
Expand the POST request header example

In response, you will receive JSON with parameter access_token.

Expand an example of the JSON response with access token

The parameter’s value is your access token. 

Placing access token in header
Authorization: Bearer your_token

where you write your token’s value instead of your_token.

Expand the example of access token in use
Authorization: Bearer wTK8HxHDjDYlCdysaee8clQAd2gfVt
Updated on October 12, 2023