Creative billing
A fullscreen video format designed primarily for advertising in mobile apps. The template contains a video and image which is required. After the video ends, one of the images shows. After the user clicks on the image, they go to the landing page.

Assets Requirements

Video/Image size

  • Video ratio: 16:9 or 9:16 (landscape or portrait respectively).
  • Image ratio: 16:9 or 9:16 (landscape or portrait respectively). If an app supports only one of the orientations, uploaded images can have different sizes (e.g. 375×667 and 1024×1366).

File types

  • Video: .mp4, .mpeg, .flv, .x-flv, .webm
  • Image: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif

Video/Image file size

  • Image: 10 MB max
  • Video: 20 MB max

Template Settings

The template settings are available in UI.


The video duration is automatically defined when you upload a file, and can’t be changed. There is an option to add one main creative and optional video creative in case you you have two different creatives for different device layout


Image that appears after the video ends. There is an option to add one main companion and optional in case you you have two different creatives for different device layout

Event Tracking settings

You have the option to incorporate event trackers in the video for the events that are listed in the Event Tracking section.

Creative cost

Please be aware that the system will consider the set (video + companion) with larger file sizes when calculating the Creative cost.


The platform generates a VAST XML that a video player must call (VAST Linear with Companion ads). The XML file that contains a link to the video, companion ads (end-card images), and standard event trackers (impressions, clicks). For the video ad to play, you need a video player that supports VAST 2.0 and higher. For more info about IAB Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST), check IAB guidelines.

Linear VAST XML with Companion ads example:

VAST with Companions sample

Parameters Passed in XML


  • Mediafile -> width – video creative width
  • Mediafile -> height – video creative height
  • Companion -> width – companion creative width
  • Companion -> height – companion creative height

Event Tracking

  • Impression
  • Viewable Impression
  • Click
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Sound on
  • Sound off
  • Progress (firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, complete)
For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on June 17, 2024