Creative billing


A mobile cube allows showing ads on 6 sides. The cube can rotate automatically or by swiping. You can place a video on one of the sides. When the user rotates the cube, its sides can obtain the level of opacity specified in the template.

Supported Platforms

Desktop Tablet Phone
Windows Mac iOS Android iOS Android
ver. 10.0+ ver. 5+ ver. 10.0+ ver. 5+

Asset Requirements

Banner, WxH, px (standard dimensions)

  • 300×300
  • 300×250 (top and bottom – 300×300)
Above are the standard sizes used for this format. If an image with a height not equal to its width is used as the side face, then the height of the image for the top and bottom faces should be equal to the width of the side face, i.e., for rectangular side faces, the top and bottom faces will be squares.

File types

  • .jpg, .png, .gif, ZIP (HTML5), .mp4

File size

  • .jpg, .png, .gif – max 60KB
  • .mp4 – max 2.2MB
  • Total size of a creative — max 3MB

Template Settings

The template settings are available in the UI.

Sides (front, left, right, back, top, bottom)

  • Width — defined automatically when an image is loaded or entered manually for zip and mp4 formats
  • Height — defined automatically when an image is loaded or entered manually for zip and mp4 formats
  • Landing Page — target URL the user go to after a click on a particular cube side

File Type

  • Image — for uploading image files and .zip archives
  • Video — for uploading video files

HTML5 banners are uploaded as a .zip archive.
The archive structure: the body.html file (should be placed in the root folder), other files and folders with banner assets.

The click area covers a side with an HTML5 banner. Thus, elements on this side will be unavailable for interaction.
HTML5 banner can also use a Video player module. In this case player buttons must be hidden since the clicking them will call a click-through.

Autoplay (setting for Video)

  • Paused — video can be started by the user
  • Auto — video autoplays once a video side is in front whether or not the cube is in the viewport
  • Viewport — video autoplays once a video side is in front and the cube is in the viewport

Upload Poster (setting for Video, optional)

A poster is an image that shows where a video should before the video is started (only on iOS devices). When a video autoplays or plays by viewport, a poster does not show. It is because of an iOS restriction by which video preload does not work and the user sees a black screen instead of a preview image in the player.

File types

  • .jpg, .png, .gif

File size

  • Poster’s width and height should correspond width and height of a respective cube side.

File Location

  • Computer — video is uploaded from the user’s computer
  • Web — video is uploaded from a third party server following the link to an .mp4 file


  • Yes — the cube rotate automatically
    • Interval — time in seconds between the sides change. The value should be more than 0. The value 0 means the sides will not change automatically.
  • No — the cube is rotated only by the user

Resume Auto-Rotation

  • Yes — resume cube’s auto-rotation after it is stopped. The cube is stopped when the user interacts with it as well as when a video on a visible side plays.
    • Resume Auto-rotation In, sec — time in seconds after which the cube keeps rotating. The value should be more than 0. The value 0 means the sides will not change automatically.


The transparency level where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent.

Event Tracking

  • View
  • Confirmed view
  • Click
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Sound on
  • Sound off
  • Progress (firstQuartile, midpoint, thirdQuartile, complete)
For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on May 23, 2024