Creative billing


A type of a full-width ad that appears at the top or bottom of the mobile device’s screen and remains visible until the user closes it by tapping the Close button. After tapping the banner, the user will be redirected to the target page.

Supported platforms

Desktop Tablet Phone
Windows Mac iOS Android iOS Android
ver. 7.0+ ver. 4.4+ ver. 7.0+ ver. 4.4+

Download an archive with the template:


How to work with archive (template)

  1. Unpack an archive with a creative template.
  2. For creative preview use the preview page or copy all files to a folder index – banners – banner – body and open a file index.html in a browser using localhost. For that, a web server has to be installed (e.g. IIS for Windows, Apache for Mac OS).
  3. Additionally, you can check the preview of the creative by copying the link to it and viewing it from your mobile device.

  4. Open the file body.html with the text editor and edit the code snippet inside tags <body> </body>.
  1. Edit a file body.js.
  2. Save and archive all banner assets in .zip (you should archive the files, not the folder that contains the files).

Asset requirements

ZIP archive

The banner with all banner assets should be archived as a .zip file. Use the .zip file with the template.

HTML file

The HTML file must define all used sources (libraries, images, etc). A recommended file name is body.html.

API connection and usage

globalHTML5Api connects automatically, requested in the following way.

Expand the globalHTML5Api code
globalHTML5Api.on('load', function(){

globalHTML5Api objects and methods should be defined inside a called function. All used modules should be listed as function parameters. This format requires no modules. A sample of globalHTML5Api.init usage for the Mobile Floating format looks the following way.

Expand the globalHTML5Api.init example code
    'resize': [
       'name': 'state-1',
       'fixed' : {
      'width' : '100%',
      'height' : '70px'

globalHTML5Api.init Parameters

Key Properties Type Description
resize Array Array of objects
name (required) String Object name. Each object presents a particular container state (resizeState)
fixed Object with properties. Describes the container position relatively to a browser window
vertical (required) top, bottom The vertical alignment of the container
horizontal (required) center The horizontal alignment of the container
width (required) String|Number Banner container width
height (required) String|Number Banner container height

globalHTML5Api Methods

Method Arguments Type Description
click(URL) Method to call the clickthrough. Target URL may be set as a parameter or from the user interface. The URL set in the code has a higher priority than the URL set from the UI, which can lead to a conflict. Therefore, it is mandatory to use only one of the available methods.
URL (optional) String Target URL
src(URL) Method returns the absolute path to file
URL (optional) String Relative path to file
close() Method to close the banner
globalHTML5Api.autoClose(timeMS, preventEvent) Method for automatic banner closing after a set amount of milliseconds
timeMS (required) Number Amount of milliseconds before the banner closing
preventEvent (optional) Boolean Prevents sending a tracking event close (banner closing). If the value is false, the event will be sent. Default: false


In case the creative contains video, see the Video player module page.


Supported file types: .jpg, .png, .gif, .svg

File size

max 300 KB

Event tracking

  • View
  • Confirmed view
  • Click

For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.

Updated on April 09, 2024