
To use the Raw Data API, you need to obtain an access token. To do that, using Postman or similar software, send a POST request to the URL: Specify the following parameters in the request body



username your login
password password to your account
grant_type authorization password

You can see how to structure the request for the Publisher`s TD in the screenshot below.

The request has the following structure:"

Expand the request example"

In response, you will get a JSON with the access_token field.

Expand an example of the response JSON

The value of this response is your authorization token. Specify it for each request in the request header. The header has the following view.

Authorization: Bearer


Expand an example of the request header in use
Authorization: Bearer wTK8HxHDjDYlCdysaee8clQAd2gfVt

Retrieving data

To get data on audiences, you need to send a GET request to {date}

Expand an example of the data retrieving GET request

Indicate your authorization token in the request header.

Upon successful authorization, you will receive a file for the selected day with all users in the audience groups in response. In the file you receive, you will see the following data by default.

  • VisKey, Visitor ID, or Admixer UID,
  • RetGroups.Id, audience groups IDs of the user,
  • Event Type (view is set by default for all groups), for audience groups collected in Trading Desks advertising profiles, parameters can be specified (confirmed view, click, video Qs 1-4, etc.). See the table with all events and their IDs at the bottom of this page.
  • Date / Time (in UTC format),
  • IP address,
  • Country, geolocation detected by IP,
  • Device Type (e.g. desktop, smartphone, tablet, TV). See the table with all events and their IDs at the bottom of this page.
  • Platform (OS, Browser),
  • Mobile Device Manufacturer / Brand,
  • RefererUrl, a complete URL or App Bundle of the ad display,
  • Additional parameters that can be retrieved using the RTB protocol when displaying ads on external resources (user geolocation, site, or application category).
Expand the table with all event types and their IDs
ID Event
0 Code (from Tag)
1 View
2 Click
4 ConfirmView
8 FirstQuartile
16 Midpoint
32 ThirdQuartile
64 Complete
128 Request
Expand the table with all device types and their IDs
ID Device Type
0 Unknown
1 MobileTablet
2 PC
3 ConnectedTV
4 Phone
5 Tablet
6 Connected_Device
7 Set_Top_Box
Updated on September 05, 2024