To add users to a segment, you use the method

In the POST request, use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
id Segment ID
data A .csv file for upload

For example,[‘6f70132d58ec4321845367dd94898544’,‘3a45fe3d2f56d429e84ef78dd84ae780’]


1234 segment ID
an array of user IDs

In response, you get JSON with an ID of the segment in which you added users and a message about successful completion.

Expand an example of the JSON response with an ID of the segment in which you added users
    "data": 3546,
    "message": "2 users were uploaded"

Adding users with a specific ID type using a URL to the file

You can add users through a URL that goes to a file with a list of users. Only .csv files are supported. For example,


id is a segment ID,
url is a URL link to the file.

In response, you get JSON with an ID of the segment in which you added users and a message about successful completion.

Adding users with a specific ID type using a file from the computer

To upload a file with a list of users from your computer, select the file upload option in your POST interface and then select a .csv file from your local directory.

Adding MultiID type of users using a file from the computer

Adding users to a segment.

To add users to a segment, use the method. 

Specify the following parameters in the POST request:

idSegment ID
dataA .csv file for download

Example of uploading via Postman interface:

The uploaded data must follow these formats:

  • AdmixerId data column must contain 32 alphanumerical only symbols with no spaces;
  • Idfa and >AAID data columns must contain no non-alphanumerical symbols and follow the general format: 035911ea-467d-4056-903b-65cf44f5633b;
  • Email data column must follow the generally accepted format for emails;
  • Phone data must contain 10 or 12 digits only, with no additional symbols (e.g. a “+” sign) and follow one of the following formats: 0991234567 or 380991234567;
  • EmailMD5 and PhoneMD5 data must contain emails and phones hashed in MD5 format;
  • EmailSHA256 and PhoneSHA256 data must contain emails and phones hashed in SHA256 format;
  • PubId and ClientId columns can contain any data in any format.

Only .csv tables are accepted

AdmixerId IDFA AAID ClientId Email Phone PubId EmailMD5 PhoneMD5 EmailSHA256 PhoneSHA256

Download the sample of a filled-out row of the table with the examples of hashed data strings here.

Updated on September 27, 2023