Create and edit your audience groups with Audience API.

To create an audience group, use the POST method

In the GET request, use the following parameters:

Parameter Description Comment
name Audience group name Maximum number of characters – 256
advertiserId ID of an advertiser for which you create an audience group
idType Type of user IDs in the audience group
dataLifetime (необязательный) Period of how long the data is stored in the group (number of days) Value from 1 to 180

For example,


MyAudienceGroup audience group name
1234 advertiser ID
1 type of user IDs
115 data storage period (115 days)

Types of User IDs

Type Value
Cookie 0
PubID 6
ClientId 8
Email 9
Phone 10
EmailMD5 12
EmailSHA256 13
PhoneMD5 14
PhoneSHA256 15
MultiID 11

In response, you get JSON with a newly created audience group’s ID and a message about successful completion.

Expand an example of the JSON response with a newly created audience group’s ID
    "data": 123456,
    "message": "Audience group was created successfully"

If you want a list of all active audience groups, use the POST method

Expand an example of the JSON response with the list of all active audience groups
"id": 100123,
"name": "Group1",
"advertiserId": 10123,
"idType": 0,
"userIds": 245
}, {
"id": 100177,
"name": "Group2",
"advertiserId": 10124,
"idType": 0,
"userIds": 365

In the response, you retrieve the following data.

id audience group ID
name audience group name
advertiserId ID of the advertiser to which the group belongs
idType type of IDs in the group
userIds number of unique user IDs in the group

To get a list of audience groups that belong to a particular advertiser, enter the advertiser’s ID in the GET request. For example

where 12345 is an advertiser ID.

Expand an example of the JSON response with the a list of audience groups that belong to a particular advertiser
[ { 
"id": 321,
"name": "Audience Group 1",
"advertiserId": 12345,
"idType": 0,
"userIds": 23412
"id": 322,
"name": "Audience Group 2",
"advertiserId": 12345,
"idType": 0,
"userIds": 52622
 "id": 323,
"name": "Audience Group 3",
"advertiserId": 12345,
"idType": 0,
"userIds": 28066
} ]
Updated on April 28, 2023