Creative billing

An interactive banner format displayed in a VAST 2.0 compatible video player before or during the display of main content. Users can close a banner, otherwise, it will be closed automatically after a specified time period. These parameters are set on the player side.

Asset requirements

VPAID creative must be assembled in accordance with the IAB standard for VPAID creatives.
The template allows uploading files that are necessary for VPAID creative’s work and get the code for pasting in a video player.
You may upload a creative as:

  • a single JS file named body.js
  • ZIP folder with main JS file named body.js in the root of the archive

Main JS file


  • name of the file should be body.js
  • file should comply with IAB standards for VPAID creatives
  • file should contain links to other creative’s files and folders

In case you upload creative files to the template locally (i.e. they are stored on a Platform’s servers), paste to body.js the following script for the location of the correct files (basePath). Click below to expand the script code.

Expand the code
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var base = "";
	.forEach(function (s) {
	if (/test1.*\.js/.test(s.src)) {
		var match = s.src.match(/(.*\/)(.*\.js)/);
		if (match && match[1]) {
			base = match[1];

XML file

The Platform generates the code for pasting in video player (Linear VAST URL, NonLinear VAST URL) and XML file which contains the link for the creative and event trackers.
Example of the XML with VPAID creative:

Parameters that are passed in XML


width – creative width.
height – creative height.
Duration – creative display duration in hh:mm:ss format; this parameter may be used by VAST player for creative display during a specified time period.
scalable (true/false) – creative’s scalability.

Additional (Extensions)

skipTime – a period of time, after which it will be possible to skip the creative – Close or Skip button (hh:mm:ss); the Skip ad field, sec., in the creative template in the interface.

Parameters’ values are set in the interface in the creative template.

For any questions regarding ad manuals please contact the support manager of your account.
Updated on November 17, 2023