Inventory is the ad space on a publisher's site or app where ads are displayed. In Admixer HB interface inventory is represented by sites, sections and ad units. Each ad unit is the unique placement where the ad can be shown.

The Site is the primary entity that contains one or more sections. A Section is a group of ad units. It has its own JavaScript tag that, together with the corresponding ad unit codes, can be used to initiate the auction for all its ad units simultaneously. Ad unit has the widest range of settings and targeting. Ad unit tag should be placed on the web page if the section tag is absent. More details on the section and ad unit tags can be found here

Here are a few simple steps to create a full inventory chain:

Create a Site

  1. Navigate to Sites.
  2. Click on the New Site button.
  3. Enter a Site Domain (required). 
  4. Activate the GDPR & Consent module checkbox, in case you have a CMP that supports IAB TCF API integrated on your site.
  5. Choose Categories. Placing correct categories may improve overall performance and is necessary for some buyers.
  6. You will also need to install ads.txt on your site. You can find the guid here.
  7. Click the Save button.

Notice that site must be approved by Admixer in order to link bids and start receiving ads on your site.

Create a Section

  1. Navigate to Inventory → Sites and choose a site you want to create a section for, press the Create Section button.
  2. Enter a Section Name (required). 
  3. Choose Categories. By checking the checkbox 'Same Content Categories as Site,' the system will automatically select the same categories as your site has.
  4. Click the Save button.

Create an Ad Unit

  1. Navigate to Sites, choose the site and section.
  2. Click the New Ad Unit button.
  3. Enter a Name (required).
  4. Choose Ad format:
    • Banner is an in-page format with a wide range of supported sizes. 
      • In-View Rendering: Switch on if you want an ad to render right after the ad space appears in the viewport. 
      • Auto-Refresh: An ad will be refreshed in a specified number of seconds (30 - 360).
    • Sticky Ad is a floating ad format in the form of a wide horizontal rectangle that renders at the top or bottom of the page over the content. All floating ads have a Close ad button that allows users to close the ad immediately. 
      • In-View Rendering: Switch on if you want an ad to render right after the ad space appears in the viewport. 
      • Auto-Refresh: An ad will be refreshed in a specified number of seconds (30 - 360).
      • Background (light/dark): Makes the blurred page content under the banner lighter or darker.
      • Position (bottom/top): Choose where the creative will render. 
    • Interstitial is a full-screen ad that appears above the page content and stays open until the user closes it. The format is shown for the unique user not more than 1 time per 60 min on one domain. 
      • In-View Rendering: Switch on if you want an ad to render right after the ad space appears in the viewport.
      • Background (light/dark): Makes the blurred page content under the banner lighter or darker.
    • Postitial is a full-screen ad that appears above the page content between the pages (the next page opens when the user closes the ad). 
      • Background (light/dark): Makes the blurred page content under the banner lighter or darker.
    • Skyscraper is a floating ad in the form of a vertical rectangle placed to the right or left of the content. 
      • In-View Rendering: Switch on if you want an ad to render right after the ad space appears in the viewport.
      • Auto-Refresh: An ad will be refreshed in a specified number of seconds (30 - 360).
      • Position (left/right).

    1. Set Device type targeting (PC/Tablet/Phone). 
    2. Set sizes (required): Choose one or more sizes from the list. 
    3.  Choose Advanced Auction settings:
    • Deal Prioritization: Switch on to render the direct deal with the highest bid. The switch is on by default
    • Bid Floor: Indicate the lowest bid price that will be accepted for the ad unit. In case Buyer doesn't support bid floor, this value will be ignored.  
    • Timeout: Specify the maximum allowed duration of the auction for the ad unit, in milliseconds. The minimum allowed value is 1000 milliseconds, and the maximum input length is 20 symbols. 
       8. Click the Save button.

    Updated on December 14, 2023