If you are sure that you have correctly added the ads.txt file to your website and Admixer HB displays an incorrect status for it, try to fix it by following the tips below. If the status does not change after following them, please contact our support team.

The first cause of the error may be the caching of pages on your website. If you are using such a feature or plugin, try refreshing or deleting the cache, and then Admixer HB will display the current status of your file.

Another cause could be that you are using a website protection service, such as Cloudflare WAF. To fix this, add our IP address to the service's Whitelist:

To add an IP address to the Cloudflare WAF Whitelist, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Cloudflare account and sign in to your account.
  2. Follow the Security > WAF > Tools path.
  3. Under the IP Access Rules heading, do the following:
    1. Enter the Admixer HB IP address in the first text box (
    2. Select "Allow" in the next drop-down list.
    3. Select "This website" from the next drop-down list.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Make sure that a line with our IP address is added below.

Updated on August 10, 2023