Creative billing

Advertisers may require to receive some custom data from the Publishers. In this case, the Ad VAST URL will contain macros. 

For example:


  • Black – base Ad VAST tag
  • Red – advertiser’s parameter
  • Blue – placeholders for the real value from the publisher. It may be provided in square brackets ‘[placeholder]’, figure brackets ‘{placeholder}’, double underscores ‘__placeholder__’ or dollar signs ‘$$placeholder$$’, etc.

Ask the advertiser which parameters are required, recommended and optional, ask which of them are vital for ad serving decision making.

In the received Ad VAST URL:

  • remove recommended and optional parameters, if it won’t affect the advertiser’s response
  • replace the placeholders of required parameters with the corresponding Publisher’s parameters from the table below. Place them in square brackets so that  the URL will look as follows:
Publisher’s parameter Description
IP Device IP address
DNT Do not track
LOCATION Location (latitude, longitude) of device
DEVICE_W Physical screen width in pixels
DEVICE_H Physical screen height in pixels
IFA Identifier for advertising (IFA), a unique value that is completely disconnected from a hardware ID, MAC address, IMEI, or IP address
DEVICEID 32 hexadecimal digit value, displayed in five groups and separated by hyphens, in the form of 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters
DEVICE_MAKE Device manufacturer
DEVICE_MODEL Device model 
DEVICE_OSV Device OS version 
CONNECTION Type of user’s connection: 1 – Ethernet, 2 – WIFI, 3 – Unknown cellular, 4 – 2G, 5 – 3G, 6 – 4G
ISP Internet provider (the same as Carrier by openRTB)
YOB User’s year of birth
GENDER User’s gender
GDPR Indicates whether or not the GDPR regulations apply to the ad request
CONSENT Consent string passed from various Consent Management Platforms (CMP’s)
PUBUID Unique user ID for reuse in 1st-party DMP
LATITUDE Device latitude along with longitude, it defines device location
LONGTITUDE Device longitude along with latitude defines device location
ACCURACY Estimated latitude/longitude accuracy in meters
COUNTRY User’s country
PAGE URL-encoded page
DOMAIN 2nd-level domain and TLD
APP_NAME Application name
BUNDLE Application ID
APP_VER Application version
APP_STORE_ID Platform-specific app store ID
STOREURL Application URL in the app store
IAB_CATEGORY Comma-separated array of IAB content categories for the application
VAST_PROTOCOLS Supported VAST protocols according to IAB protocols
PLAYER_WIDTH Width of the video player in DIPS
PLAYER_HEIGHT Height of the video player in DIPS
MUTED Integer
MINDURATION Allowed minimum duration in seconds
MAX_DURATION Allowed maximum duration in seconds
SKIP The video is skippable by the user: 0 – false (default if not passed), 1 – true
SKIP_MIN Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable; only applicable if the ad is skippable
SKIP_AFTER Defines the custom time for the ad to be skippable
BREAKPOSITION Indicates the position of the ad break within the underlying video/audio content that the ad is playing within. Values: 1 for pre-roll, 2 for mid-roll, 3 for post-roll, 4 for standalone, 0 for none of the above/other
CONTENTID Publisher-specific content identifier for the content asset into which the ad is being loaded or inserted. Only applicable to in-stream ads
CACHEBUSTING Cache busting

Need a custom macro? 

To add a macro that is not in the table above, add “cp_” before the placeholder.


The VAST URL contains macro “&parameter={PARAMETER}”, which is mandatory for the advertiser.

In the final version of the URL, it should be written like “&parameter=[cp_parameter]”.

Updated on February 06, 2023