Platform Settings

Platform Settings comprises four tabs: Global Rules, Modules, Servers & Capacity, and Billing.

Global Rules

Global Inventory Filters

The application logic of Global Inventory Filters adheres to a sequential validation process: initially, Global Inventory Filters are applied, followed by SSP Inventory Filters, and ultimately Endpoint Inventory Filters. Establishing filters at the global level enables streamlined configuration without the necessity of repetition for each SSP or Endpoint.

The available options for inventory filters mirror those accessible at the SSP level, with the exception of Advanced Filters.

For further details about Inventory Filters, please refer to this page.

General Demand Rules

Similar to Global Inventory Filters, General Demand Rules represent the highest-level rules applied to all Bids across the platform. The rule application sequence begins with General Demand Rules, followed by Demand Rules specific to the DSP and Profile.

For additional details about Demand Rules, please refer to this page.


Activate modules to expand platform capabilities and explore new opportunities. Contact your manager to enable these advanced features.

Creative Validation: Ensures ad quality and compliance with industry standards, legal requirements, and platform guidelines. This module verifies ad creatives to maintain high standards, protect user experience, and uphold trust.

IVT Scanner: Safeguards the platform from invalid traffic, preserving inventory quality and enhancing the advertising experience for all parties involved.

Prebid.JS Endpoints: Enables seamless integration with websites using Prebid.JS, an open-source header bidding solution, facilitating efficient participation in header bidding auctions.

SDK Endpoint: Facilitates traffic acquisition from mobile applications using Software Development Kits (SDKs) for seamless integration.

Smart Supplier: Optimizes traffic sent to DSPs with intelligent algorithms, maximizing campaign effectiveness and minimizing wasted impressions.

VAST Integrations: This module acts as a bridge, linking the platform's Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) and Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) using Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) tags. VAST tags, which are standardized XML templates, facilitate the delivery of video ads across digital platforms. This module accommodates both fixed and dynamic pricing models, along with all key macros typically employed in such tags.

Pixalate Pre-bid Lists: Provides timely access to Pixalate's lists of potentially fraudulent traffic sources, enabling proactive management to maintain low levels of invalid traffic (IVT).

Servers & Capacity

Monitor QPS limits across datacenters. Line Used shows two numbers separated by divider: Used QPS/Total QPS. Line Available shows how many QPS remained: Available QPS= Total QPS- Used QPS

Data Center Latency Test

Additionally, you can measure the latency from a specific URL or IP address to the selected data center using the Data Center Latency Test. The latency test measures the amount of time it takes for data to travel from a specific URL or IP address to the selected data center. This is often referred to as "ping time" or "response time." This feature includes a form with a toggle to select the available datacenters, an input field for the URL or IP address, and a "Start Test" button. Upon entering a URL or IP and initiating the test, a loading indicator will appear, and the input field will be temporarily disabled. The test takes approximately 10-15 seconds to complete. Once finished, the latency results will be displayed below the input field.

These latency results provide valuable insights into the network performance between the specific URL or IP address and the selected data center. For instance, a high latency could indicate a slow network connection, which could potentially impact the performance of your auctions. By regularly monitoring latency, users can identify any potential network issues early and take necessary steps (e.g., choosing a server location that is geographically close to the target audience, using load balancing, optimizing server code and database queries, etc.) to address them, ensuring optimal performance of their auctions.

Average Response Time for the Last 24 Hours

This feature provides insights into the responsiveness of your DSPs, crucial for maintaining efficient operations. It displays a table with the following columns: DSP, Profile, SSP, Endpoint, and Avg Response Time (Average Response Time). This helps identify potential bottlenecks in how quickly DSPs are responding to requests, ensuring optimal performance. 


The table includes several filters to refine the data:

  • Data Center: A dropdown menu with datacenters available for the account.
  • Status Code: A dropdown menu featuring HTTP Status Codes that occurred in the statistics for the last 24 hours, useful for identifying errors or issues affecting response times.
  • Profile: A dropdown list, organized by DSP, displaying only those profiles that have recorded statistics in the last 24 hours.
  • Endpoint: A dropdown list grouped by SSP.


This tab offers a clear view of your billing information, including your bill for the previous month, invoice details, and billing history.

Invoice Details: This section showcases your billing details, including the company name, billing address, VAT number, and more, which are filled out based on the information provided in your contract. To modify these details, click the Edit button located in the upper right corner of the tab. A modal window will then appear, presenting the following fields:

  • Company Name (required): Input your company's name here. The maximum character limit is 70 symbols.
  • Country (required): Select your company's country of operation from the dropdown menu.
  • Invoice Currency (required): Choose the currency for your invoices, either USD or EUR.
  • City (required): Enter the city where your company is located. The maximum character limit is 70 symbols.
  • State/Province/Region: If applicable, input your state, province, or region. The maximum character limit is 70 symbols.
  • Postal/ZIP Code (required): Input your postal or ZIP code. The maximum character limit is 20 symbols.
  • Street Address (required): Enter your company's street address. The maximum character limit is 70 symbols.
  • VAT ID Number: If your company is registered for VAT, input your VAT ID number. The maximum character limit is 20 symbols.
  • Invoice Recipients (required): Enter the email addresses of the individuals who should receive the invoice, separated by commas.

Your Bill for the Previous Month: This section provides a summary of your bill for the previous month, including the month, year, total amount, due date, and breakdown of charges for Server usage (QPS), Extra modules (if any activated), Custom Development (if ordered), and VAT (if applicable). Invoices are sent within the first five business days of the month, and the due date depends on the NET Terms agreed upon in the contract.

Billing History: This table provides a record of all sent invoices. It includes columns for Period, Number, Status (Due on for pending invoices, Overdue for unpaid, Paid), Description (showing billing sums for Servers (QPS), Extra modules, Custom development, VAT), Amount, and a button to download the invoice as a PDF. The Period, Status, and Amount columns are sortable. Overdue invoices will change their status to Paid after payment is received.

The Billing tab is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of your billing information, making it easier to manage your account and keep track of your expenses.
Updated on November 16, 2024