Live Logs

Live Logs is a platform feature that provides detailed logging of various auction events. These events include bid requests, bid responses, filtered requests, and transaction outcomes. The Live Logs feature is designed for comprehensive analysis and reporting, allowing users to gain insights into the performance of their auctions.

The Main table in the Live Logs feature includes columns for the Date of log creation, Log Type, Endpoint name, Profile name, the date and time when the log will be deleted, and the Status of the log which can be "pending", "ready" or "failed". Logs are available for 24 hours after their status has been changed to "Ready". For logs with the "Ready" status, a "Download" button appears, allowing users to download the log for further analysis. The "Failed" status indicates that no logs were found for the 10-minute period. The table also includes a search option for easy navigation.

To view the settings of a log, users can select the log from the table and click on it. A modal window will appear with the log details. Users cannot edit the settings, just view them. For logs in 'Ready' status, a "Download" button is available in the lower right corner of the modal window.

Creating a New Log

To create a new log, click the "New Live Log" button in the upper right corner. A modal window will appear with fields that vary depending on the log type. The following are the available log types and their fields:

Endpoint Request: This log type captures requests received by a specific endpoint. Expand to see the modal window fields.

  • Log Type: Endpoint Request.
  • Endpoint (required): Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time. Log example stands for a sample entry within the log, representing a single instance of the specified log type. By inputting a number between 1 and 100, you specify how many instances of log data you want the system to retrieve and display. This feature is useful for analyzing patterns or issues in your log data without having to sift through potentially thousands of log entries.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Endpoint Response: This log type captures both the requests received by a specific endpoint and the responses sent. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Endpoint Response.
  • Endpoint (required): Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Profile Request: This log type captures requests made to a specific profile. Expand to see the modal window fields. 
  • Log Type: Profile Request.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name.
  • Endpoint: Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Profile Response: This log type captures both the requests made to a specific profile and the responses received. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Profile Response.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name.
  • Endpoint: Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Full Transaction: This log type captures all requests and responses within a single transaction, including the initial request from the SSP, the request to the profile, the response from the profile, and the final response to the SSP. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Full Transaction.
  • Endpoint (required): Select an endpoint from the dropdown list with autocomplete. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list with autocomplete. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Filtered Request: This log type captures requests that have been filtered out for a specified reason. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Filtered Request.
  • Endpoint (required): Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Filtered Reason (required): Choose a reason from the dropdown list.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Rejected Bid: This log type records a bid that has been rejected with an indicated reason. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Rejected Bid.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name.
  • Endpoint: Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Rejected Bid Reason (required): Choose a reason from the dropdown list.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.
Rejected Impressions: This log type allows users to pull examples of rejected impressions for faster and easier operational problem-solving. Expand to see the modal window fields.
  • Log Type: Rejected Impressions.
  • Profile (required): Choose a profile from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and DSP Name. At least one of the following is required: Profile or Endpoint.
  • Endpoint (required): Select an endpoint from the dropdown list. Each entry displays the Endpoint Name, Endpoint Type, and SSP Name.
  • Rejected Impression Reason (required): Choose a reason from the dropdown list.
  • Number of examples (required): Enter the number of log examples (between 1 and 100). Note that the number may be limited by a 10-minute recording time.
  • Filters: Use filters to adjust log results. Add filters by clicking the "New Filter" button. A row will appear with an include/exclude toggle and an input field for a substring to filter. Delete a filter by clicking the trash button. Using filters with substrings, you can include or exclude specific ad formats, geographic locations, or currency types. To filter logs based on currency, for example, EUR, you need to enter the key-value pair as it appears in JSON, such as "cur": "EUR", in the substring field and toggle the "include" option. This will return all logs where the currency is EUR.

Live Logs provides users with the flexibility to capture and analyze detailed information about their auction events, helping to optimize their ad exchange processes and improve overall performance.

Updated on December 05, 2024