RTB-Stack Adapter Integration for AppLovin SDK


To utilize RTB-Stack demand within your app where AppLovin SDK serves as the primary ad network, you should integrate the RTB-Stack SDK as an adapter for the AppLovin SDK. This guide outlines the steps to achieve a successful integration.


  • AppLovin SDK: The AppLovin SDK is already integrated and functioning correctly.
  • Admixer SDK: The Admixer SDK integration is complete as per the "Get Started" guide.
  • UI Setup: Ensure the necessary UI setup is completed:

Integration Steps

Step 1: Add Repositories

In your project-level build.gradle file, ensure the following repositories are included:

repositories {
Step 2: Add Dependencies

In your app-level build.gradle file, add dependencies for the RTB-Stack SDK and the RTB-Stack AppLovin adapter. Specify the versions explicitly or check Maven Central for the latest versions for RTB-Stack SDK and RTB-Stack AppLovin adapter.

dependencies {
    implementation group: 'com.rtb-stack.sdk', name: 'sdk', version: '0.1.13'
    implementation group: 'com.rtb-stack.sdk.adapter', name: 'applovin', version: '0.1.14'
Step 3: Integrate RTB-Stack Adapter as Custom SDK Network

Configure the RTB-Stack AppLovin adapter as a Custom SDK Network in AppLovin as described in the following article. Use the following details during setup:

  • Android Adapter Class Name: com.rtbstack.applovin.RtbStackMediationAdapter
  • Custom Parameters: Leave empty.
  • App ID: Use any random number.
  • Placement ID: Use any random number.
Step 4: Set the Request URL

Configure the base URL for ad requests using the SDKSettings class. The request URL is available in the UI, as described in related instructions.

SDKSettings.setRequestBaseUrl("Your endpoint request url");

Once the integration is complete, the AppLovin SDK will automatically call the RTB-Stack SDK and send ad requests to it. This ensures a seamless mediation process where RTB-Stack acts as an adapter within the AppLovin network.


  • Test the integration by loading and displaying ads from RTB-Stack via AppLovin.
  • Check the logs and AppLovin UI for successful mediation setup.
Updated on January 10, 2025