Geolocation Data Service

The Geolocation Data Service (GDS) empowers us to determine geolocation data based on the IP extracted from the request. Consequently, we enhance or modify the data received from the SSP before transmitting it to the DSP and recording it in statistics. 

The logic for substituting this data depends on the type of geolocation received in the request, as the SSP may also utilize its methods to fill the Geo object on its end. We identify the geolocation type based on the BidRequest.device.geo.type parameter, focusing on the value "1" (GPS/Location Services) and "3" (User-Provided Location). If the values and BidRequest.device.geo.lon are present during this process, we are more inclined to trust the information provided by the SSP. If the type is "2" (IP-Based Location), type is not provided, or there is no lat/lon, we retrieve information from the GDS. Exceptions include BidRequest.device.geo.countryBidRequest.device.geo.region, BidRequest.device.geo.metro, and - we always retrieve them from the GDS regardless of the received type and the presence of "lat"/"lon". 

We transmit to the DSP in ISO-3166-1-alpha-3 format and device.geo.region in ISO-3166-2 format or a 2-letter state code for the USA.

Please refer to the logic in the table below:

Parameter If the device.geo.type parameter is "1" or "3" and lat and lon are present in the bid request If the device.geo.type parameter is "2" or not transmitted, or lat/lon are empty
lat taken from the request taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
lon taken from the request taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
type taken from the request set the value to "2" if lat/lon is determined (not transmitted if not determined )
accuracy taken from the request taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
lastfix taken from the request not transmitted
ipservice not transmitted set the value to "3"
country taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available) taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
region taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available) taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
metro taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available) taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
city taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available) taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
zip taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available) taken from the GDS (not transmitted if not available)
carrier taken from the GDS; if unsuccessful - transmitted from the request taken from the GDS; if unsuccessful - transmitted from the request
Updated on October 22, 2024