Follow these steps to integrate TopOn mediation with your RTB-Stack SDK project.
Ensure the RTB-Stack SDK is installed in your project before proceeding with the TopOn integration.
Add the necessary repositories to your project-level build.gradle
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
// Anythink (Core)
maven {
url ""
In your app-level build.gradle
, add the TopOn SDK and the RTB-Stack mediation SDK dependency:
dependencies {
// Anythink (Necessary)
api "com.anythink.sdk:core-tpn:"
api "com.anythink.sdk:nativead-tpn:6.4.19"
api "com.anythink.sdk:banner-tpn:6.4.19"
api "com.anythink.sdk:interstitial-tpn:6.4.19"
api "com.anythink.sdk:rewardedvideo-tpn:6.4.19"
api "com.anythink.sdk:splash-tpn:6.4.19"
// Androidx (Necessary)
api "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0"
api "androidx.browser:browser:1.4.0"
// Tramini
api "com.anythink.sdk:tramini-plugin-tpn:6.4.19"
// RTB-Stack SDK Mediation for TopOn
implementation 'com.rtb-stack.sdk.mediation.topon'
Ensure your AndroidManifest.xml
includes the necessary configurations:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>
If the TopOn SDK integration includes interaction with other networks, additional data may be required. Find the right integration sample for your case here.
Initialize the TopOn SDK in your application class:
public class DemoApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
ATSDK.init(this, "Your App_Id", "Your App_Key");
You can obtain the AppID and AppKey from the TopOn portal. For a detailed description of TopOn SDK integration, visit TopOn SDK Integration Guide.
After integrating the SDK, configure TopOn as a mediation partner in the RTB-Stack platform.