
The Trackers section in the RTB-Stack platform allows users to create and manage third-party trackers to monitor ad performance metrics. 

In the Trackers interface, the Main table displays a list of all trackers, featuring columns for Name, Code, and Status. The Status column indicates whether a tracker is Active, Paused, or has Reached Global Limit—a status automatically set when a tracker hits its predefined impression cap, which can be daily or monthly. Users can interact directly with trackers through quick action options such as Edit, Pause/Activate, and Remove, conveniently located to the right of each tracker entry. Additionally, a search function above the table allows for easy filtering based on Name and Status, enhancing manageability. For lengthy tracker codes, a "Show more" button enables full visibility. 

To add a new tracker, navigate to Inventory > Trackers, and click the +New Tracker button in the upper-right corner. A modal window will appear with two key tabs: Main Settings and SSPs Selector & Limits. Begin by completing the Main Settings.  

Main Settings Tab

  1. Tracker Name (required): Enter the name of the tracker. This field supports up to 70 characters.

  2. State: Toggle the state between Active and Paused, depending on whether the tracker is currently in use.

  3. Tracker Type (required): Choose the type of tracker from the following dropdown options:

    • Image Pixel URL: This is applicable for all ad types. When selected, the system automatically inserts the URL into an image pixel tracking code template:
      <img src="[TRACKER]" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: 0px;">
    • JS Script URL: This option is available for Banner ads only. The system will insert your URL into a JavaScript template:
      <script type="text/javascript" src="[TRACKER]"></script>
  4. Ad Type (required): Select the type of advertisement the tracker will be applied to. The available options are:

    • Banner
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Native
  5. Tracker Code (required): Paste the tracking URL in this field. Be sure to replace any tracker-specific macros with the supported macros from the provided table. Here's an example:[CONTENT_ID]&publisher_id=[PUBLISHER_ID]&bundle=[BUNDLE]

  6. Supported Macros: This section contains a list of supported macros that can be inserted into your tracking URL. There are checkboxes to select individual macros, a search option for ease of use, and a Copy button to easily copy macros into the tracking URL.

SSPs Selector & Limits Tab

Once the Main Settings are completed, move to the SSPs Selector & Limits tab. Here, you can define the limits and select SSPs where the tracker will be active.

  1. Global Impressions Limit: This field sets a limit on the total number of impressions where the tracker may be applied across all SSPs, based on impressions calculated by RTB-Stack.  

    • Limit Amount: Input the number of impressions allowed. If no limit is set, it will default to "Unlimited".
    • Frequency: Specify how frequently the tracker will be applied to impressions. For example, input 1 to insert the tracker in every ad, or 10 to insert it every 10th ad.
    • Limit Type: Define the scope of the limit as Daily or Monthly.
  2. SSPs Selector (required): You should select at least one SSP for the tracker to function. The SSPs are displayed alphabetically in a checklist. Select the relevant SSP(s) where the tracker will be applied.

  3. Custom Limits for SSPs: When an SSP is selected, a Use Custom Limit toggle will appear. By enabling this toggle, you can define custom limits for individual SSPs:

    • Limit Amount: Define the specific limit for that SSP (leave blank for Unlimited).
    • Frequency: Define the frequency of tracker insertion (e.g., every ad or every 10th ad).
    • Limit Type: Select from Daily or Monthly limits.
  4. Use Tracker for All SSPs: This toggle allows you to apply the tracker across all available SSPs at once. When enabled, all SSPs will be selected, and the Custom Limit setting will be available for each SSP individually. If you disable this toggle, all SSP selections will be cleared, but any custom limit settings previously set for SSPs will be preserved for future use.

Once all configurations have been completed in both tabs, remember to click the Save button to apply and activate the tracker with the defined settings.

Supported macros

Expand to see the table with supported macros

MACRO Description
[APP_NAME] User's consent string for data processing.
[BUNDLE] Bundle ID of the application
[IAB_CATEGORY] IAB content categories of the app or site
[CHANNEL_NAME] Name of the channel broadcasting the content
[CONNECTION] Type of network connection: 1 – Ethernet, 2 – WIFI, 3 – Unknown cellular, 4 – 2G, 5 – 3G, 6 – 4G, 7 - 5G
[CONSENT] User's consent string for data processing
[CONT_IAB_CATEGORY] IAB category of the content within which the ad is displayed.
[CONTENT_ID] Unique identifier for the content
[CONTENT_RATING] Rating of the content (e.g., PG, G, R)
[COPPA] Flag indicating if COPPA regulations apply (1 for yes, 0 for no)
[DNT] Do Not Track flag (1 for DNT enabled, 0 for not enabled)
[DOMAIN] Domain of the site where the ad will be displayed
[DSP_NAME] Name of the Demand-Side Platform
[ENDPOINT_NAME] Name of the Endpoint
[FORMAT] Format of the ad (e.g., video, banner)
[GDPR] GDPR compliance flag (1 for GDPR applicable, 0 for not applicable)
[GENDER] Gender of the user (M for male, F for female, O for other)
[GEOTYPE] Type of geographical data (e.g., GPS, IP-based)
[HEIGHT] Height of the video ad in device independent pixels (DIPS)
[IFA] Identifier for Advertising, a unique device identifier
[IFA_TYPE] Type of the identifier for advertising
[INTERSTITIAL] 1 if the ad is interstitial, otherwise 0
[IP] IP address of the device
[ISP] Internet Service Provider name associated with the device
[LANG] Language setting of the device
[LAT] Latitude of the device's location
[LMT] Limit ad tracking flag (1 for limited, 0 for not limited)
[LON] Longitude of the device's location
[MAKE] Manufacturer of the device
[MINDURATION] Maximum duration of the video ad in seconds
[MAX_DURATION] Minimum duration of the video ad in seconds
[MODEL] Model of the device
[NETWORK_NAME] Name of the network providing the content
[OS] Operating system of the device
[OSV] Operating system version
[PAGE] URL of the page where the ad will be displayed (encoded)
[PAGE_IAB_CATEGORY] IAB category of the page where the ad will be displayed.
[PROFILE_NAME] Name of the DSP Profile
[PROTOCOLS] Supported video protocols (e.g., VAST, VPAID)
[PUB_IAB_CATEGORY] IAB categories for the publisher of the app or site
[PUBLISHER_ID] Unique identifier for the publisher
[REWARDED] 1 if the ad is rewarded, otherwise 0
[SCHAIN] Supply chain object for tracking supply sources
[SEC_IAB_CATEGORY] IAB category of the section of the site where the ad will be displayed.
[SKIP] Flag indicating if the ad is skippable (1 for skippable, 0 for not skippable)
[SKIP_AFTER] Time in seconds after which the ad can be skipped
[SKIP_MIN] Minimum time in seconds before the ad can be skipped
[SSP_NAME] Name of the Supply-Side Platform
[STOREURL] URL of the app store where the app is available
[UA] User agent string of the device
[WIDTH] Width of the video ad in device independent pixels (DIPS)
[YOB] Year of birth of the user
Updated on October 03, 2024